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SmartFriends iOS app review: Fun way to sharpen your brain

Puzzle games are a great way to sharpen your IQ. During academics, I was fond of riddles and reasoning. With the advent of technology, puzzle games have taken a new and exciting form. SmartFriends is an addictive iOS game that you can play with friends.

What is SmartFriends?

We have already established that SmartFriends is a puzzle game. However, there is a different side to it. SmartFriends is a daily IQ test game. You get to solve one IQ challenge every day. The results will be published the next day alongside an explanation.

The puzzles include a mix of analogies, pattern-based puzzles, and visual and spatial type questions. SmartFriends doesn’t impose a time limit or any other time-based restrictions. That said, you get only one chance to solve the problem.

I couldn’t help but draw some parallels between Wordle and SmartFriends. Both offer one challenge every day, a scorestreak, and social options. However, the similarities end there.

Samrt Friends iOS app Banner

SmartFriends – Socialzing with a twist

I have spent a couple of days with SmartFriends. The user interface is minimal and functional to the core. The experience is seamless with no laggy bits or bugs. You can share your score with friends on social media.

SmartFriends developers have added a new Genius Challenge feature and this, according to me, is the most exciting bit. Let us take a closer look at every aspect of the game.

1. Individual challenge mode

Individual challenge mode in SmartFriends on iPhone

This is the default mode. You get to solve one challenge every day. Everyone around the world gets the same challenge. In other words, you directly compete with hundreds of players across the globe. Better buckle up and put on that thinking cap.

Here’s how it works. Work on solving the question. And simply enter the answer. SmartFriends will instantly tell whether the answer is right or wrong. Meanwhile, an answer explanation will only be available the next day. Download SmartFriends from the App Store.

2. Keep the streak going

A game is fun only when you can keep scores! SmartFriends shows scores along with a streak meter. The feature will document it if you are recently on a winning streak. A higher streak score gives you a boasting right amid friends! Or even better, you can share your streak on social media and invite your friend for an IQ duel.

3. Unlock Genius challenges

Genius challenges is SmartFriend’s latest addition. You can invite your friends for a series of challenges. The questions include brain-teasing verbal analogies and much more. The challenges are hard to crack and more difficult than the other mode.

The best part about Genius Mode is the rewards. You get a whopping 50 points for winning a Genius Challenge instead of 10 points in normal mode. Genius Mode is a good way to crank up your score instantly. Genius challenge gets unlocked after you invite a friend for a challenge, and they accept the same.

4. Set Reminders

Time taken to solve challenges is reflected in your daily score. In other words, if you forget to take on the IQ challenge, your score will get affected. That’s not all; you will lose your streak as well. Here’s how you can set: ReminderSet time → choose the reminder type.

Set Reminders in SmartFriends on iPhone

Once done, you will get a reminder whenever new challenges are available.

Why should you get SmartFriends?

Unsurprisingly, puzzle games like SmartFriends offer a slew of benefits. It is not only an activity to relax but also sharpen your intelligence. Below is a list of advantages of playing a puzzle game.

What is SmartFriends iOS app

1. Enhances Spatial visual intelligence

Spatial intelligence is the way we think with images and patterns. It is an important aspect of human intelligence. Spatial visual intelligence leads to improved analytics skills.

2. Lower stress levels

Puzzle games are proven to decrease stress levels. While solving a puzzle, our brain switches to the Alpha state or flow state. Apart from decreasing stress, it also increases our self-confidence.

3. Boost your productivity

SmartFriends and similar games help boost productivity. It helps take our minds off another task. After the break, our mind is refreshed and more attentive to the task.

4. Delay Dementia and Alzheimers

Alzheimer’s is a neurological disorder caused by brain cell atrophy. Meanwhile, Dementia is a disorder that causes impairment in memory and cognitive functions. A decline in thinking is one of the main causes. Puzzle games are proven to delay the onset of Dementia.

Should you go for SmartFriends?

SmartFriends is an addictive game good for your well-being. I found challenges difficult to be on the higher side. It would have been great if the game offered multiple levels of difficulty. SmartFriends is entirely free and devoid of pesky ads. Share your experience with SmartFriends in the comments below!

Price: Free

  • Mahit

    Mahit is an engineer by Education with a corporate stint to his name. He ditched the corporate boardroom wars in favor of the technology battleground. For the better part of a decade, he has worked for popular publishing outlets, including Dennis Publishing, BGR India, AppStorm, MakeUseOf, and iPhonehacks.

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